"Getting and paying for housing" guide
We are pleased to present this guide to all professionals working with Polish families affected by domestic abuse. It aims to provide them with knowledge and understanding of complex areas of housing entitlement of Polish nationals in the context of domestic abuse.
Being homeless in a foreign country as a result of domestic abuse is a devastating experience for victims and their children. We must ensure that the response of support agencies effectively tackles this problem and foreign nationals get the help that they are entitled to receive to be safe.
More information about housing entitlement for EU nationals can be found on the Housing Rights website.
NRPF Network created a web tool to help professionals to work out if families can get help with housing and financial support if they have no recourse to public funds and what the local authority will need to consider when a family requests help from social services. You can access it on the NRPF website.
Sue Lukes has worked in housing aid and refugee resettlement but has been freelance since 1996 as an expert in housing and migration and how local,
regional and national authorities and NGOs can make migration work for the benefit of all communities involved. She co-edits the Chartered Institute
of Housing website, trains many local authorities and others, does academic research and develops, facilitates, advises and evaluates projects. She is chair
of Hear Me Out www.hearmeoutmusic.org.uk
Liz Davies KC is a barrister at Garden Court Chambers specialising in housing and homelessness law. She is co-author of Housing Allocation and Homelessness: Law and Practice (LexisNexis, 6th edition, 2022).
See www.gardencourtchambers.co.uk/barristers/liz-davies-qc/sao
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