Mental health support in South Wales
​Support for Polish women and men
It’s good to talk!
Mental health support project for the Polish community in South Wales
The project aims to support Polish adults who live in South Wales who experience mental health issues. We want to reach out to people who experience multiple barriers to engaging with British agencies to ensure they access support at the right time. Support will be offered to Polish people aged 18+.
We offer individual emotional support sessions to men and women.
Experienced and qualified Polish-speaking practitioners provide the service over the phone and via the Internet.
If you want to refer a client to this service, please write to us to request a referral form -​​​
Mae’n dda i siarad!
Prosiect cymorth iechyd meddwl i’r gymuned Bwylaidd yn Ne Cymru
Nod y prosiect yw cefnogi oedolion Pwylaidd sy’n byw yn Ne Cymru sy’n dioddef problemau iechyd meddwl. Rydyn ni am estyn llaw i bobl sy’n wynebu rhwystrau lluosog wrth ymgysylltu
ag asiantaethau Prydeinig er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn cyrchu cymorth ar yr adeg gywir.
Cynigir cymorth i bobl Bwylaidd 18+ oed.
Cynigiwn gymorth emosiynol unigol i ddynion a menywod.
Ymarferwyr profiadol a chymwysedig sy’n siarad Pwyleg sy’n darparu’r gwasanaeth, a hynny dros y ffôn a thros y We.
Os ydych chi am atgyfeirio cleient i’r gwasanaeth hwn, ysgrifennwch atom i ofyn am ffurflen atgyfeirio -

Upcoming courses:
12 November 2024 - Llanelli FULLY BOOKED
14 November 2024 - Cardiff - FULLY BOOKED
11 February 2025 - Carmarthen - FULLY BOOKED
19 February 2025 - Swansea - FULLY BOOKED
20 February 2025 - Cardiff - BOOK HERE
We will also offer our full-day in-person course, “Working with Polish Families,” to professionals in South Wales. The course is an excellent opportunity to increase your knowledge and confidence in working with the largest minority group in Wales!
Click HERE to learn more about the course.
Hefyd cynigiwn ein cwrs undydd wyneb yn wyneb, “Gweithio gyda Theuluoedd
Pwylaidd,” i weithwyr proffesiynol yn Ne Cymru. Mae’r cwrs yn gyfle rhagorol i wella eich gwybodaeth a’ch hyder wrth weithio gyda’r grŵp lleiafrifol mwyaf yng Nghymru!
Cliciwch YMA i ddysgu mwy am y cwrs.

​​​​​​The project is financed by the National Lottery Community Fund.
Ariennir y prosiect gan Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol.